Business and private account
Accounts for businesses, self-employed persons, freelancers and private customersThe Onlinekonto is appropriate for
- businesses with an entry in the German Commercial Register (also limited companies)
- Registered merchants
- Start-ups and founders
- Small businesses and sole proprietorships
- Freelancers and self-employed persons
- Registered associations
- Private customers
Businesses can use Onlinekonto as a tool to manage their payments online. Receive money transfers privately (private account) or for your business (business account).
Note: The maximum account balance is limited to 15.000 Euro. A higher balance limit for your account and card can be approved after consultation.
Required documents
Private account
When opening a private account, you have to provide a PostIdent form and an application to open an account, no further documents or records are required.
Business account
In case the account holder is a company that is registered in the Commercial Register of Germany, you have to provide the following documents:
- Application to open an account (will be printed)
- Extract from the Commercial Register
- Declaration in terms of the German Prevention of money laundering Act (will be printed)
- PostIdent form of one business owner (will be printed)
Note: limited companies (Ltd.) must provide an entry in German Commercial Register BEFORE opening an account.
Commercial account
Self-employed persons, freelancers and small businesses or sole proprietorships can open a private account for business purposes. Besides the application to open an account and a PostIdent form, we ask you to prove the effective use of your companys name (e.g. by providing a sample billing or head of a company letter) as well as a copy of your business registration.
How does the order process work?
Open your Onlinekonto online in just a few minutes.
Charge your card after ordering it. First deposit also through .
Legitimate yourself free at a German post office or via VideoIdent.
Choose your own wish-pin.
Design your card in your personal style.
Receive your card in about 3-5 days.
Note: For commercial or corporate accounts, additional documents must be submitted after registration is complete.
Onlinekonto - the safe alternative
No risk of debt
Onlinekonto and Mastercard are balance-based debit services. Overdrafts and resulting indebtedness are impossible. For your own security, the Onlinekonto can hold funds only up to a omaximum of 15.000 Euro.
Account without schufa credit rating
The prepaid feature does not generate relevant credit data and hence does not affect schufa credit ratings
Seizure protection account (P-Konto)
Opening an Onlinekonto gives private customers the opportunity to hold a seizure protection account. The transformation can be ordered easily online.
Your Debit Mastercard
The Onlinekonto comes with a Debit Mastercard, that is connected to your account. The account balance is directly available on your card, there is no need to charge your card up-front.
You can pay smoothly with your Mastercard worldwide at millions of points of acceptance such as online shops, petrol stations and supermarkets. Look out for the Mastercard signs. You can also find this on millions of ATMs worldwide, where you can withdraw cash with your Debit Mastercard.

Debit Mastercard PIN
You can request your individual PIN code online at any time.
Maximum safety for you
Mastercard Identity Check makes shopping on the Internet more secure. Pay with the Debit Mastercard from Onlinekonto in an online shop that supports this safety procedures and you will benefit from the latest security technology. In addition, the Payment Services Directive PSD2 and its associated SCA require strong costumer authentification to successfully and securely complete a payment process.
Custom card design
The Onlinekonto Debit card can be printed with your customized design.
We charge a low fee for this and additional services, which you may find in the price list
Contract period
You can close your account and the according debit Mastercard online and without notice at any time.